Friday, July 3, 2015

Going Global Update #3

Day 5
On Canada's birthday, Susan(my host) and I caught the passenger train to Lincoln, Lincolnshire. It is the main city in the county and has a population of roughly 95k people. It is also home to Lincoln Castle and Lincoln Cathedral - both of which I got to tour!
Both are located at the top of the aptly named Steep Hill. We followed the 1,380 ft, store lined, cobbled roadway up to the top in the sweltering heat to the entrance of Lincoln Castle. Lincoln Castle was constructed by William the Conquerer in 1068 on an ancient Roman site. In the 1700's it was converted into a prison, but the majority of the castle remains in its traditional form. We toured the prison and walked on the castle wall around the entire castle yard. From the castle wall we had a fantastic view of the city as well as Lincoln Cathedral. 2015 is the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta and the city had a variety of celebratory events on. Including a display and film about its history. 

We enjoyed fresh ice cream before touring up to the Lincoln Cathedral. The Cathedral was absolutely breathtaking! It also is massive. We toured many of the rooms, the library and the outside of the Cathedral. Below are some pictures from inside and outside of it!

We had afternoon tea in on our trip down the hill and walked along the river before catching the train home. I was wiped from the walking and the heat.
Day 6
What a relaxing day! Susan took me to Skagness Beach, so I got to see the sea again! 'Skag' is a stark contrast to Huntstanton - much more touristy and commercial. This beach was also more sandy than Huntstanton so I took the opportunity to swim, play in the waves and relax on the warm sand. We enjoyed beach ice cream and a stroll along the pier and beach followed by a visit to the animal sanctuary. I got to see sea lions, meerkats , and many reptiles. We followed up with fish and chips before heading off to meet up with my next host, Will.

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